Effects of a single exercise workout on memory and learning fun
It is also suggested that, in lieu of providing a search strategy for each database searched, authors may wish to provide a summary of variations made to the search strategy when adapted for use in other databases 8 . Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) terms are used to index article in MEDLINE/PubMed. Hence, choosing the title and keywords according to MeSH would be a better choice for authors. Aim: The aim of this article was to provide a technical guide for selecting words and phrases for title and keywords of an article according to MeSH terms. MeSH terms (Se även MeSH Subheading och MeSH Major Topic) I CINAHL: Word in subject heading (MW) eller Subject (SU) (Se även Exact subject heading (MH) Word in major subject heading (MJ) och exact major subject heading (MM)) Sökning sker enbart i ämnesorden – de ord som beskriver huvudteman/innehållet i artikeln. Exempel (vardagligt språk) 2021-04-13 · Using the keywords from our example, here are some MeSH terms for: Adults: Adult (A person having attained full growth or maturity. Adults are of 19 through 44 years of age.
The ClinicalTrials.gov team assigns each trial two sets of MeSH terms. One set is for the conditions studied by the trial and the other for the set of interventions used in the trial. The XML file that can be downloaded for each trial contains these MeSH keywords. Finding the right term or keyword to describe a medical condition or problem can be daunting. The Medical Subject Headings database (or MeSH for short) is designed to help you focus your search, and to avoid ambiguous terms or synonyms, ie.
Keywords: type 1 diabetes, pregnancy, CGM, CSII, closed-loop, well-being (2017). Continuous glucose monitoring vs conventional therapy for glycemic control (insulin infusion systems [MeSH Terms] OR insulin infusion. HTA-gruppens uppfattning om specialistsjuksköterskemottagningar versus managed clinic" OR "nurse managed clinics" OR "nurse clinicians"[MeSH Terms] OR "nurse clinicians"[All Fields] OR "nurse in Title, abstract, keywords.
MTI may recommend MeSH Terms not explicitly found in the text. This tool is NOT intended for processing personally identifiable, sensitive or protected-health information.
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tumor). Medical terms (MeSH) Did you know the MeSH browser features are also available on the Search manager tab by selecting the MeSH button? Search Deconstructed Headings vs Subject Strings .
Inneliggande patienter. Inpatients.
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PubMed: Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) PsycINFO: Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms; Academic OneFile (Gale): Subject Guide Search; When searching with the controlled vocabulary, choose the broadest term (higher on the hierarchy) that applies to your topic. You may also want to OR a related keyword. AND together different subjects for your At ClinicalTrials.gov, each trial has keywords that describe the trial.
MeSH Tools for finding Keywords.
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