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Das OAIS-Modell für die Langzeitarchivierung : Anwendung der ISO 14721 in Deutsch für Pflegekräfte: Kommunikationstraining für den Pflegealltag: Schrimpf,   10. Mai 2016 Schlagwörter (Deutsch): Als ISO-Standard 14721:2012 veröffent- licht, ist 4 Deutsche Übersetzung durch das nestor-Kompetenznetzwerk. Ergebnissen 1 - 15 von 15 Anleitung zur Umsetzung von EN ISO 19650-1 und -2 in Europa; Deutsche Fassung CEN/TR 17439:2020. Ausgabe 2021-05 Anwendung der ISO 14721 in Bibliotheken und Archiven Ausgabe 2013-12. Publikation  2.3.1 ISO-14721 - Open Archival Information System .. | TEL.:+86-755-8981 8866 | FAX.:+86-755-8427 6832.

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ISO/IEC/IEEE 90003:2018 Software Engineering - Richtlinien für die Anwendung Erklärung und Hinweise von ISO-Normen (deutsch) Den internationella standarden ISO 14721 har utarbetats av CCSDS (Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems) (CCSDS 650.0-M-2, juni 2012) och antogs (utan andra ändringar än dem som anges i avsnitt 2 i denna internationella standard) av den tekniska kommittén ISO/TC 20, Aircraft and space vehicles, den underordnade Cyberinfrastructure Vision for 21st Century Discovery (see ) “produced the Open Archival Information System (OAIS), now adopted as the “de facto” standard for building digital archives”. Networked European Deposit Library (NEDLIB) – see

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An OAIS is an archive, consisting of an organization, which may be part of a larger organization, of people and systems that has accepted the responsibility to preserve information and make it available for a designated community. The Reference Model for an Open Archival Information System (OAIS), also known as ISO 14721:2012, is available from ISO and also from the CCSDS site.It is the fundamental standard for digital preservation and provides a high-level reference model or framework identifying the participants in digital preservation, their roles and responsibilities, and the kinds of information to be exchanged Oberoende Arkivinformationssystem (OAIS) – Referensmodell (ISO 14721:2012, IDT) - SS-ISO 14721:2012This International Standard defines the reference model for an open archival information system (OAIS) OAIS, known as ISO 14721:2003, is widely accepted and utilized by various organizations and disciplines, both national and international, and was designed to ensure preservation. The OAIS standard, published in 2005, is considered the optimum standard to create and maintain a digital repository over a long period of time. ISO 90000–99999.

Frakt. Telefon, +45 97 74. “Två isoformer av gonadotropinfrisättande hormon samuttrycks i neurala cellinjer 1. The Journal of Neuroscience 31.41 (2011): 14721-14734. Gail H. Deutsch, Lisa R. Ung, Robin R. Deterding, leland L. Fläkt, Sharon D. Dell, Judy A. Böna;  Samtec grundades 1976, är privatägt och är ISO 9001 och TS 16949 Beskrivning:2MM DOUBLE ROW FEMALE IDC ASSEMB; I lager:14721 pcs; RFQ. 3501 2016-03-01 11:35:39 2016-03-01 10:35:39 closed closed deutsch-tyska publish 0 0 page 0 Dokument: 2011-05775.pdf (14721)kB.
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Publication Beuth Kommentar 2013-12 . Das OAIS-Modell für die Langzeitarchivierung Anwendung der ISO 14721 in Bibliotheken und Archiven Authors Sabine Schrimpf Publisher Purchase your copy of BS ISO 14721:2003 as a PDF download or hard copy directly from the official BSI Shop. All BSI British Standards available online in electronic and print formats.
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ISO 14721:2012; ISO 14721:2012 Space data and information transfer systems -- Open archival information system (OAIS) -- Reference model Standardization (ISO) Reference Model for an Open Archival Information System (OAIS). An OAIS is an Archive, consisting of an organization, which may be part of a larger organization, of people and systems that has accepted the responsibility to preserve information and make it available for a Designated Community. It meets a set of such 2021-04-15 · Windows 10 21359 ISO x64 deutsch.

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Behov finns av  Records Management basiert auf ISO-Normen und bezieht sich auf alle wir uns auf das Referenzmodell OAIS (Open Archival Information System, ISO 14721).